Across the country and around the world, at institutions of all kinds, students are creating electronic portfolios--portfolios for general education, the major, personal and life planning, freshman learning communities, advising, graduation, professional credentialing, and so on. The use of eportfolios for multiple purposes is expanding at a rapid pace.
As the practice of eportfolios mushrooms, research is needed to discover the impact of their implementation. Researchers design inquiries to determine the effects of portfolios on established and newly recognized kinds of learning and educational environments. Research encouraged and supported by the Inter/National Coalition for Electronic Portfolio Research advances the body of knowledge about impacts of electronic portfolio use on student learning and educational outcomes.
The Coalition is led by Barbara Cambridge (), National Council of Teachers of English, USA; Kathleen Yancey (), Florida State University, USA; and Darren Cambridge (), American Institutes for Research, USA. Addition leadership for Cohort IV is provided by Rob Ward () and Janet Strivens (), Center for Recording Acheviement, UK; and Steve Outram (), Higher Education Academy, UK.
For more information, contact Darren Cambridge ()